アムジェン社 、KRAS G12C変異を有する 転移性結腸直腸がん患者に対するルマケラス® (ソトラシブ)とベクティビックス®(パニツムマブ)の 併用に関する新たなデータを発表

KRAS G12C変異を有する化学療法抵抗性の転移性結腸直腸がん患者を

同時にNew England Journal of Medicine(NEJM)に掲載

カリフォルニア州サウザンドオークス(2023年10月22日)– アムジェン社(ナスダック:AMGN)は本日、ルマケラス®(一般名:ソトラシブ)960 mgまたは240 mgとベクティビックス®(一般名:パニツムマブ)の併用投与を評価する、国際第Ⅲ相CodeBreaK 300試験のデータを発表しました。いずれの用量においても、KRAS G12C変異を有する化学療法抵抗性の転移性結腸・直腸がん(mCRC)患者において、無増悪生存期間(PFS)に関して、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療を上回る統計学的に有意な優越性が示されました。この結果は、本日スペインのマドリードで開催される欧州臨床腫瘍学会(ESMO)2023のPresidential Symposium 2セッションにおいて、Late-Breaking Oral Presentation(LBA10)として発表され、同時にNew England Journal of Medicine誌に掲載されました。

アムジェン社の研究開発担当エグゼクティブ・ヴァイス・プレジデント David M. Reeseは次のように述べています。「CodeBreak 300試験では、ルマケラスとベクティビックスの併用投与によって、対照群で治験担当医師が選択した標準治療と比較して、患者さんのPFSが統計学的に有意に延長しました。これは、これまで転帰不良であったこの患者集団に新たな希望をもたらす結果です」

追跡期間の中央値が7.8カ月での PFS中央値は、ルマケラス960 mg+ベクティビックス群、ルマケラス240 mg+ベクティビックス群でそれぞれ5.6カ月、3.9カ月であったのに対し、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療群では2.2カ月でした(トリフルリジンとチピラシル塩酸塩またはレゴラフェニブ)。副次評価項目のうち、客観的奏効率(ORR)および病勢コントロール率(DCR)は、両用量ともにルマケラス+ベクティビックス群の方が治験担当医師が選択した標準治療 群と比較して高い結果でした。ルマケラス+ベクティビックスの両用量群の患者は、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療群の患者よりも投与期間が長い結果でした。

Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumoriの医師であるFilippo Pietrantonioは次のように述べています。「これらの新たなデータにおいて、ルマケラスとベクティビックスの併用投与は両用量ともにサブグループ間で一貫した有効性を示し、これら2つの分子標的治療薬を併用する生物学的根拠を裏付けています。mCRCと診断された患者さんのうち5年を超えて生存する方は20%未満であり、エビデンスに基づく分子標的治療の選択肢をまだ利用することができないKRAS変異を有する患者さんは、新しい治療選択肢を切実に必要とされています」

ルマケラスとベクティビックスの併用投与による治験薬と関連のある主な有害事象のうち、グレード3以上の事象は、ざ瘡様皮膚炎(960 mg:11%; 240 mg:4%)、低マグネシウム血症(960 mg:6%; 240 mg:8%)、発疹(960 mg:6%; 240 mg:2%)、下痢(960 mg:4%; 240 mg:6%)でした。

アムジェン社は、CodeBreaK 300試験の主解析結果に基づき、これらのデータを規制当局に提出する予定です。

CodeBreaK 300試験について
CodeBreaK 300試験には、160名の患者が組み入れられ、KRAS G12C変異を有する化学療法抵抗性のmCRC患者を対象として、ベクティビックスと併用したルマケラス960 mgおよび240 mgと、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療(トリフルリジンとチピラシル塩酸塩またはレゴラフェニブ)を比較しました。


  • ルマケラス960 mg+ベクティビックスの投与を受けた患者(n=53)のPFS中央値は5.6カ月(ハザード比0.49(95%信頼区間:0.30, 0.80))でした。
  • ルマケラス240 mg+ベクティビックスの投与を受けた患者(n=53)のPFS中央値は3.9カ月(ハザード比0.58(95%信頼区間:0.36, 0.93))でした。
  • 治験担当医師が選択した標準治療を受けた患者(n=51)のPFS中央値は2.2カ月でした。


ルマケラスとベクティビックスの併用レジメンでは、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療と比較して高いORRが示されました(95%信頼区間; 960 mg:26%[15.3–40.3]; 240 mg:6%[1.2–15.7]; 治験担当医師が選択した標準治療:0%[0–6.6])。同様に、ルマケラスとベクティビックスの併用投与を受けた患者においてDCRの一貫した改善が認められました(95%信頼区間; 960 mg:72%[57.7–83.2]; 240 mg:68%[53.7–80.1]; 治験担当医師が選択した標準治療:46%[32.6–60.4])。ベースラインから何らかの腫瘍縮小が認められた患者の割合は、960 mgコホートで81%、 240 mgコホートで57%、治験担当医師が選択した標準治療コホートで20%でした。データカットオフ時点でOSは未成熟でした。

ルマケラスは、2021年5月28日に米国食品医薬品局(FDA)より迅速承認を取得しました。ルマケラスの承認に向けた医薬品承認事項変更申請(sNDA)はFDAにより標準審査で受理され、処方薬ユーザーフィー法(Prescription Drug User Fee Act; PDUFA)に基づく目標審査終了日が2023年12月24日に設定されました。

  • ルマケラスは、「がん化学療法後に増悪したKRAS G12C変異陽性の切除不能な進行・再発の非小細胞肺癌」を効能又は効果として、2022年1月20日に日本における製造販売承認を取得しています。

進行結腸直腸がんとKRAS G12C遺伝子変異について

KRAS遺伝子変異はCRCにおける最も一般的な遺伝子変異の一つであり、CRCの約3~5%にKRAS G12C変異が認められます。




  • 日本におけるベクティビックスの製造販売元は武田薬品工業株式会社です。当該製品の詳細については武田薬品工業株式会社にお問い合わせください。



アムジェンはダウ・ジョーンズ工業株価平均を構成する30社のうちの一社であり、ナスダック100指数にも含まれています。2023年には、Newsweekの「America’s Greatest Workplaces」のうちの一社に、USA Todayの「America’s Climate Leaders」のうちの一社に、またTIMEの「World’s Best Companies」のうちの一社に選ばれました。

詳細については、Amgen.com をご覧いただくか、X(以前のTwitter)、LinkedInInstagramTikTokYouTube、および Threads をフォローしてください。

Amgen Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current expectations and beliefs of Amgen. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including any statements on the outcome, benefits and synergies of collaborations, or potential collaborations, with any other company (including BeiGene, Ltd. or Kyowa-Kirin Co., Ltd.), the performance of Otezla® (apremilast) (including anticipated Otezla sales growth and the timing of non-GAAP EPS accretion), the Teneobio, Inc. acquisition, the ChemoCentryx, Inc. acquisition, or the Horizon Therapeutics plc acquisition (including the prospective performance and outlook of Horizon’s business, performance and opportunities and any potential strategic benefits, synergies or opportunities expected as a result of such acquisition), as well as estimates of revenues, operating margins, capital expenditures, cash, other financial metrics, expected legal, arbitration, political, regulatory or clinical results or practices, customer and prescriber patterns or practices, reimbursement activities and outcomes, effects of pandemics or other widespread health problems on our business, outcomes, progress, and other such estimates and results. Forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, including those discussed below and more fully described in the Securities and Exchange Commission reports filed by Amgen, including our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Unless otherwise noted, Amgen is providing this information as of the date of this news release and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from those we project. Discovery or identification of new product candidates or development of new indications for existing products cannot be guaranteed and movement from concept to product is uncertain; consequently, there can be no guarantee that any particular product candidate or development of a new indication for an existing product will be successful and become a commercial product. Further, preclinical results do not guarantee safe and effective performance of product candidates in humans. The complexity of the human body cannot be perfectly, or sometimes, even adequately modeled by computer or cell culture systems or animal models. The length of time that it takes for us to complete clinical trials and obtain regulatory approval for product marketing has in the past varied and we expect similar variability in the future. Even when clinical trials are successful, regulatory authorities may question the sufficiency for approval of the trial endpoints we have selected. We develop product candidates internally and through licensing collaborations, partnerships and joint ventures. Product candidates that are derived from relationships may be subject to disputes between the parties or may prove to be not as effective or as safe as we may have believed at the time of entering into such relationship. Also, we or others could identify safety, side effects or manufacturing problems with our products, including our devices, after they are on the market.

Our results may be affected by our ability to successfully market both new and existing products domestically and internationally, clinical and regulatory developments involving current and future products, sales growth of recently launched products, competition from other products including biosimilars, difficulties or delays in manufacturing our products and global economic conditions. In addition, sales of our products are affected by pricing pressure, political and public scrutiny and reimbursement policies imposed by third-party payers, including governments, private insurance plans and managed care providers and may be affected by regulatory, clinical and guideline developments and domestic and international trends toward managed care and healthcare cost containment. Furthermore, our research, testing, pricing, marketing and other operations are subject to extensive regulation by domestic and foreign government regulatory authorities. Our business may be impacted by government investigations, litigation and product liability claims. In addition, our business may be impacted by the adoption of new tax legislation or exposure to additional tax liabilities. If we fail to meet the compliance obligations in the corporate integrity agreement between us and the U.S. government, we could become subject to significant sanctions. Further, while we routinely obtain patents for our products and technology, the protection offered by our patents and patent applications may be challenged, invalidated or circumvented by our competitors, or we may fail to prevail in present and future intellectual property litigation. We perform a substantial amount of our commercial manufacturing activities at a few key facilities, including in Puerto Rico, and also depend on third parties for a portion of our manufacturing activities, and limits on supply may constrain sales of certain of our current products and product candidate development. An outbreak of disease or similar public health threat, such as COVID-19, and the public and governmental effort to mitigate against the spread of such disease, could have a significant adverse effect on the supply of materials for our manufacturing activities, the distribution of our products, the commercialization of our product candidates, and our clinical trial operations, and any such events may have a material adverse effect on our product development, product sales, business and results of operations. We rely on collaborations with third parties for the development of some of our product candidates and for the commercialization and sales of some of our commercial products. In addition, we compete with other companies with respect to many of our marketed products as well as for the discovery and development of new products. Further, some raw materials, medical devices and component parts for our products are supplied by sole third-party suppliers. Certain of our distributors, customers and payers have substantial purchasing leverage in their dealings with us. The discovery of significant problems with a product similar to one of our products that implicate an entire class of products could have a material adverse effect on sales of the affected products and on our business and results of operations. Our efforts to collaborate with or acquire other companies, products or technology, and to integrate the operations of companies or to support the products or technology we have acquired, may not be successful. There can be no guarantee that we will be able to realize any of the strategic benefits, synergies or opportunities arising from the Horizon acquisition, and such benefits, synergies or opportunities may take longer to realize than expected. We may not be able to successfully integrate Horizon, and such acquisition or integration may take longer, be more difficult or cost more than expected. A breakdown, cyberattack or information security breach of our information technology systems could compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our systems and our data. Our stock price is volatile and may be affected by a number of events. Our business and operations may be negatively affected by the failure, or perceived failure, of achieving our environmental, social and governance objectives. The effects of global climate change and related natural disasters could negatively affect our business and operations. Global economic conditions may magnify certain risks that affect our business. Our business performance could affect or limit the ability of our Board of Directors to declare a dividend or our ability to pay a dividend or repurchase our common stock. We may not be able to access the capital and credit markets on terms that are favorable to us, or at all.

The scientific information discussed in this news release related to our product candidates is preliminary and investigative. Such product candidates are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and no conclusions can or should be drawn regarding the safety or effectiveness of the product candidates. Further, any scientific information discussed in this news release relating to new indications for our products is preliminary and investigative and is not part of the labeling approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the products. The products are not approved for the investigational use(s) discussed in this news release, and no conclusions can or should be drawn regarding the safety or effectiveness of the products for these uses.



TEL 03-4590-1771

Elissa Snook, 609-251-1407 (メディア向け)
Jessica Akopyan, 805-440-5721 (メディア向け)
Justin Claeys, 805-313-9775 (投資家向け)


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