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埼玉国際頭痛センター長 坂井文彦先生は次のように述べています。「片頭痛は患者とその家族にとって負担が非常に大きい脳神経疾患です。新しいメカニズムの薬の登場は、繰り返す片頭痛を我慢し続けていた多くの患者さんの症状への対処とQOLに変化をもたらす可能性が十分にあると期待しています。アイモビーグは日本人患者さんにおける片頭痛発作の発症抑制効果と安全性が複数の臨床試験から得られたエビデンスによって裏付けられています。片頭痛治療の進展と同時に、片頭痛はコントロールが可能な疾患であり、我慢する必要はないという理解が患者さんと家族、社会一般に広まることを強く願っています。」

アイモビーグの発売にあたり、アムジェン株式会社スペシャリティケア事業本部長 馬場継は次のように述べています。「片頭痛は慢性的に繰り返される耐え難い痛みを伴い、身体的のみならず精神的、そして生活全般にわたり患者さんに影響を与える疾患です。これより、日本の片頭痛患者さんに新しい選択肢をお届けできることを大変嬉しく思います。アムジェンは、日本の片頭痛患者さんが長期的な片頭痛管理に希望が持てるようになるために、医療従事者への情報提供に加え、より多くの方がこの疾患に対する正しい理解を得られるよう啓発に取り組んでまいります。」


発売名: アイモビーグ®皮下注70mgペン
一般名: エレヌマブ(遺伝子組換え)
効能又は効果: 片頭痛発作の発症抑制
  • 十分な診察を実施し、前兆のある又は前兆のない片頭痛の発作が月に複数回以上発現している、又は慢性片頭痛であることを確認した上で本剤の適用を考慮すること。
  • 最新のガイドライン等を参考に、非薬物療法、片頭痛発作の急性期治療等を適切に行っても日常生活に支障をきたしている患者にのみ投与すること。
用法及び用量: 通常、成人にはエレヌマブ(遺伝子組換え)として70mgを4週間に1回皮下投与する。
製造販売承認日: 2021年6月23日
薬価: アイモビーグ®皮下注70mgペン 41,356円
薬価収載日: 2021年8月12日
発売日: 2021年8月12日
製造販売: アムジェン株式会社



片頭痛は神経疾患であり1 、中等度から重度の頭部痛の反復性発作を伴います。通常は拍動性で、しばしば片側性であり、悪心、嘔吐、光、音、匂いへの過敏症を伴います2。片頭痛は個人的な苦痛、障害、生活の質の低下、社会的・経済的コストと関連しています3。 個人の日常業務遂行能力を妨げるような深刻な影響を及ぼします。世界保健機関(WHO)の報告によると、片頭痛は男女ともに障害生存年数の原因疾患トップ2に数えられ4、未だ十分な理解と治療が施されていない可能性があります。3,4


20120309試験は、日本人成人患者を対象として6ヵ月(24週間)の二重盲検治療期間中に反復性片頭痛予防におけるアイモビーグの安全性と有効性を評価する第II相ランダム化二重盲検プラセボ対照試験です。この試験では、患者をプラセボ群又はアイモビーグ28、70または140 mgを4週に1回、6ヵ月間皮下投与群に無作為に割り付けました。主要評価項目は、二重盲検投与期の4、5、および6ヵ月における平均MMDのベースラインからの変化でした。副次評価項目は、二重盲検治療期間の4、5および6ヵ月におけるMMDがベースラインから50%以上減少した被験者割合、片頭痛急性期治療薬投与日数のベースラインから減少でした。

20170609試験は、日本人成人患者を対象として6ヵ月(24週間)の二重盲検治療期間中に反復性および慢性片頭痛予防におけるアイモビーグの安全性と有効性を評価する第III相ランダム化二重盲検プラセボ対照試験です。この試験では、261人の患者が1:1の割合で4週間に1回のプラセボ皮下投与群とアイモビーグ(70 mg)皮下投与群とに無作為に割り付けられました。主要評価項目は、二重盲検治療期間の4、5および6ヵ月における平均MMDのベースラインからの変化でした。副次評価項目は、二重盲検治療期間の4、5および6ヵ月におけるMMDがベースラインから50%以上減少した被験者割合、片頭痛急性期治療薬投与日数のベースラインから減少でした。

アムジェン株式会社は、世界最大規模の独立バイオテクノロジー企業である米国アムジェン社の日本法人です。2013年10月にアステラス製薬との合弁会社であるアステラス・アムジェン・バイオファーマとして事業を開始し、2020年4月1日にアムジェン社の完全子会社となり商号を変更しました。アムジェン株式会社では、循環器疾患、がん、骨疾患、炎症・免疫性疾患、神経疾患を始めとするアンメット・メディカル・ニーズが高い領域に焦点を絞り、現在約600人の従業員が、「To serve patients – 患者さんのために、今できるすべてを」というミッションのもと、臨床開発から販売までの活動を行っています。


詳細については www.amgen.comをご覧になるか、ツイッターアカウント(www.twitter.com/amgen)をフォローしてください。

This news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current expectations and beliefs of Amgen. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including any statements on the outcome, benefits and synergies of collaborations, or potential collaborations, with any other company (including BeiGene, Ltd. or any collaboration to manufacture therapeutic antibodies against COVID-19), the performance of Otezla (including anticipated Otezla sales growth and the timing of non-GAAP EPS accretion), or the Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc. acquisition, as well as estimates of revenues, operating margins, capital expenditures, cash, other financial metrics, expected legal, arbitration, political, regulatory or clinical results or practices, customer and prescriber patterns or practices, reimbursement activities and outcomes, effects of pandemics or other widespread health problems such as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on our business, outcomes, progress, or effects relating to studies of Otezla as a potential treatment for COVID-19, and other such estimates and results. Forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties, including those discussed below and more fully described in the Securities and Exchange Commission reports filed by Amgen, including our most recent annual report on Form 10-K and any subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. Unless otherwise noted, Amgen is providing this information as of the date of this news release and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this document as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from those we project. Our results may be affected by our ability to successfully market both new and existing products domestically and internationally, clinical and regulatory developments involving current and future products, sales growth of recently launched products, competition from other products including biosimilars, difficulties or delays in manufacturing our products and global economic conditions. In addition, sales of our products are affected by pricing pressure, political and public scrutiny and reimbursement policies imposed by third-party payers, including governments, private insurance plans and managed care providers and may be affected by regulatory, clinical and guideline developments and domestic and international trends toward managed care and healthcare cost containment. Furthermore, our research, testing, pricing, marketing and other operations are subject to extensive regulation by domestic and foreign government regulatory authorities. We or others could identify safety, side effects or manufacturing problems with our products, including our devices, after they are on the market. Our business may be impacted by government investigations, litigation and product liability claims. In addition, our business may be impacted by the adoption of new tax legislation or exposure to additional tax liabilities. If we fail to meet the compliance obligations in the corporate integrity agreement between us and the U.S. government, we could become subject to significant sanctions. Further, while we routinely obtain patents for our products and technology, the protection offered by our patents and patent applications may be challenged, invalidated or circumvented by our competitors, or we may fail to prevail in present and future intellectual property litigation. We perform a substantial amount of our commercial manufacturing activities at a few key facilities, including in Puerto Rico, and also depend on third parties for a portion of our manufacturing activities, and limits on supply may constrain sales of certain of our current products and product candidate development. An outbreak of disease or similar public health threat, such as COVID-19, and the public and governmental effort to mitigate against the spread of such disease, could have a significant adverse effect on the supply of materials for our manufacturing activities, the distribution of our products, the commercialization of our product candidates, and our clinical trial operations, and any such events may have a material adverse effect on our product development, product sales, business and results of operations. We rely on collaborations with third parties for the development of some of our product candidates and for the commercialization and sales of some of our commercial products. In addition, we compete with other companies with respect to many of our marketed products as well as for the discovery and development of new products. Discovery or identification of new product candidates or development of new indications for existing products cannot be guaranteed and movement from concept to product is uncertain; consequently, there can be no guarantee that any particular product candidate or development of a new indication for an existing product will be successful and become a commercial product. Further, some raw materials, medical devices and component parts for our products are supplied by sole third-party suppliers. Certain of our distributors, customers and payers have substantial purchasing leverage in their dealings with us. The discovery of significant problems with a product similar to one of our products that implicate an entire class of products could have a material adverse effect on sales of the affected products and on our business and results of operations. Our efforts to collaborate with or acquire other companies, products or technology, and to integrate the operations of companies or to support the products or technology we have acquired, may not be successful. A breakdown, cyberattack or information security breach could compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of our systems and our data. Our stock price is volatile and may be affected by a number of events. Global economic conditions may magnify certain risks that affect our business. Our business performance could affect or limit the ability of our Board of Directors to declare a dividend or our ability to pay a dividend or repurchase our common stock. We may not be able to access the capital and credit markets on terms that are favorable to us, or at all.



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  1. Migraine Research Foundation. Migraine facts. Available from: https://migraineresearchfoundation.org/about-migraine/migraine-facts/ [Last accessed: April 2020].
  2. ichd-3.org. The International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition. Available from: https://ichd-3.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/The-International-Classification-of-Headache-Disorders-3rd-Edition-2018.pdf [Last accessed: June 2021].
  3. World Health Organization. Headache disorders. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs277/en/ [Last accessed: April 2020].
  4. The Journal of Headache and Pain. Migraine facts. Available from: https://thejournalofheadacheandpain.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s10194-020-01208-0 [Last accessed: June 2021].